This week the California Supreme court voted on two matters. The first matter was whether the election results on Prop 8, a proposition that went before voters in California banning gay marriage AND whether or not those gays and lesbians who were married before the right was taken away will remain married or not. I must say that after the Barack Obama election I was surprised to see our state, the most liberal state in the U.S. vote down such an important matter of equality.
After researching a bit on the matter I ran across the NOH8 Campaign which is aimed at bringing awareness to equality for gays and lesbians. While it's easy to get caught up on the details depending on how you were raised, the matter of equality should be clear. It's my belief that ALL PEOPLE covered under a very clear constitution outlining basic rights of equality, AND the separation of church and state should have equal rights. I've seen in the past where churches have rallied around the wrong issue/person (George Bush in the 2004 election) just because of their religious beliefs. Now it's interesting that the church wants you to come in an pay your tithes, but you can't marry your life partner. Hypocrisy. Check out the latest PSA on the NOH8 Campaign below and visit for more info. I'll be doing my picture next week. If you're in the LA area you should to.
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