Looking at the picture above you're probably thinking one of two things: 1. Both Chris and Rihanna have similar mohawks (at completely different stages) OR 2. Go AWAY already!
In the news yesterday they talked about Rihanna testifying against Chris for the beating that occurred the night before the Grammy's. I personally want this story to go away.
The media has sensationalized Chris and Rihanna's story to the point where little girls think it's ok for a guy to beat them, and Chris to feel comfortable enough to come out and denounce him being a monster! WHO CARES!
Here is my personal view of the entire deal. Rihanna and Chris made a beautiful couple, no doubt. Both were/are young. Both are rich and successful. Both don't need each other. But then Chris and her were chillin and at the end of it all (who really cares about the in between) HE BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF HER! NOW, there were rumors about a duet and a book denouncing physical aggression towards women! Hmm, wonder who the publicist for CB was at the time (You're fired!). Then there were rumors that Chris slept with his manager! I mean, c'mon! GO AWAY ALREADY!
We wish Rihanna the best!!! If Chris does get any time I'm sure BET will create a "Countdown to Lockdown" show for Chris too. Lord, it will never end.
Red-Hot Bikini Babe Guess Who!
53 minutes ago
i agree this story is taking up too much airtime...go away already!
LOL I wish the crap would just go away also! And Chris would go away for a while too! You are so right that the media and his old image had young girls losing their minds on what is right and what is wrong. Its a mess and I can't belittle my brain anymore thinking about it! lol
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